Greetings The Government and World.
We Are Hacktivist Of Garuda
and DragonForce Malaysia

Because we are the voice of Palestine, The voice of Muslim and we will not remain silent !
A cursory glance at various Western media outlets this month on the latest round of Israeli aggression against Palestinians has more often than not, revealed ongoing bias or false equivalencies in the framing of their coverage.
They frequently reported this issue as a conflict and criticized HAMAS as the cause of such an issue.
However, this is not a conflict.
Instead, it was the oppression of Palestine, a GENOCIDE.

Your vital databases will be exposed along with secret documents to show the true color of Zionists.
Let the world know the violent acts of Zionism !

#OpsIsrael Engaged !!

-= Greetz =-
Hacktivist Of Garuda - Darkside1337 - Hackncorp - Misterious Team Bangladesh - Investigation Anonymous - DragonForce Malaysia - 177 Members - Khalifah Cyber Crew - CsCrew - SynixCyberCrime - 4-EXPLIITATION - Myghostsec - MyHC - BlackShieldCrew

We Are: Caisar ID - AgusHackpath - X'Boy Linux - muhammad syarif sajjad - S4NGKURl4NG - عقيل - ./Fake root - Obito Haxor - tn.Lapendos - ./W4D3R 1337 - ./Had3s - OneZero - Nulz404 - VN9 - uchiha obiTo
- Fahri.XD - Rizky R Linux - ./Jee

#Indonesian Hackers #Malaysian Hacker